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    Talking Lands

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    The opening - ceremony of “Talking Lands” Room  The opening - ceremony of “Talking Lands” Room - sabato 5 ottobre 2013
    On Saturday- October the 12th 2013 – h 6.30 p.m.- at Sala delle Armi- Charles the 5th Castle of Monopoli
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    Literary meetings of the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfù  Literary meetings of the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfù - giovedì 26 settembre 2013
    Western Greece - Literary meetings
    Narrative laboratories Municipality of Parga  Narrative laboratories Municipality of Parga - giovedì 19 settembre 2013
    Parga - Narrative laboratories
    Bombing of civilians  Bombing of civilians - martedì 10 settembre 2013
    70 years since the nazi bombs on the town of Corfù- 13th September 1943- 13th September 2013
    Ionian Islands - Literary meetings
    “All the companions of Ulysses”  “All the companions of Ulysses” - martedì 23 luglio 2013
    The sharing of sounds and readings related to the theme of the journey on the 23rd and the 30th of July
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    “Vita, morte e miracoli dell’illustrissimo San Nicola”  “Vita, morte e miracoli dell’illustrissimo San Nicola” - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    Mercoledì 19 giugno alle ore 20,30 al Teatro Municipale di Patrasso
    Western Greece - Theatrical season
    “Outis Suite”, riduzione multimediale dall’Odissea  “Outis Suite”, riduzione multimediale dall’Odissea - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    Martedì 18 giugno alle ore 21 a Patrasso
    Western Greece - Theatrical season
    “Vita, morte e miracoli dell’illustrissimo San Nicola”  “Vita, morte e miracoli dell’illustrissimo San Nicola” - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    Lunedì 17 giugno alle ore 20,30 al Castello di Parga
    Parga - Theatrical season
     “Outis Suite”, riduzione multimediale dall’Odissea  “Outis Suite”, riduzione multimediale dall’Odissea - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    Domenica 16 giugno alle ore 21 a Parga
    Parga - Theatrical season
    “Vita, morte e miracoli dell’illustrissimo San Nicola”  “Vita, morte e miracoli dell’illustrissimo San Nicola” - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    “Vita, morte e miracoli dell’illustrissimo San Nicola”
    Ionian Islands - Theatrical season
    “Outis Suite”, riduzione multimediale dall’Odissea  “Outis Suite”, riduzione multimediale dall’Odissea - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    Venerdì 14 giugno alle ore 21 a Corfù
    Ionian Islands - Theatrical season
    “La bottega dormiente”, sei spettacoli tra Grecia e Italia   “La bottega dormiente”, sei spettacoli tra Grecia e Italia - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    Corfù (19 luglio), Parga (20 luglio) e Patrasso (21 luglio)
    Ionian Islands - Theatrical season, Parga - Theatrical season, Western Greece - Theatrical season
    “The Sleeping workshop”, six plays between Greece and Italy  “The Sleeping workshop”, six plays between Greece and Italy - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
    Grottaglie (on 29th July), Monopoli (on 30th July) and Fasano (on 31st July)
    Monopoli - Theatrical season, Grottaglie - Theatrical season, Fasano - Theatrical season
    “Outis Suite”, a multimedia- synopsis from the Odyssey  “Outis Suite”, a multimedia- synopsis from the Odyssey - domenica 23 giugno 2013
    Three shows: Grottaglie ( on the 28th June), Fasano (on the 29th June) and Monopoli (on the 30th June)
    Monopoli - Theatrical season, Grottaglie - Theatrical season, Fasano - Events of narration, Fasano - Theatrical season, Western Greece - Events of narration
    Narrative workshops- Patra from 20/5/2013 to 9/06/2013  Narrative workshops- Patra from 20/5/2013 to 9/06/2013 - venerdì 31 maggio 2013
    Led by the actor Miltiadi Nika
    Western Greece - Narrative laboratories
    Heraclitus - Bright splinters  Heraclitus - Bright splinters - mercoledì 29 maggio 2013
    Thursday 30th May – H. 8.30 p.m. at Chiesa “Santa Maria degli Amalfitani”
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    Talking Lands: the theatrical season of the co-produced events in Grottaglie  Talking Lands: the theatrical season of the co-produced events in Grottaglie - domenica 26 maggio 2013
    The show “Life, death and miracles of S. Nicholas the greatest”, written, directed and interpreted by Paolo Panaro
    Grottaglie - Theatrical season
    “A tribute to the Aegean” with Sakis Papadimitriou & Georghia Sylleou  “A tribute to the Aegean” with Sakis Papadimitriou & Georghia Sylleou - martedì 21 maggio 2013
    On Saturday May 18th at Charles the fifth Castle
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    “Life, death and miracles of Saint Nicholas the greatest”  “Life, death and miracles of Saint Nicholas the greatest” - martedì 21 maggio 2013
    On Saturday May 25th (Monopoli) and on Sunday May 26th (Fasano)
    Monopoli - Events of narration, Monopoli - Theatrical season, Fasano - Theatrical season, Parga - Events of narration
    Guided- tours at 4 basilian crypts  Guided- tours at 4 basilian crypts - venerdì 3 maggio 2013
    Fasano and Monopoli, on Sunday, May the 12th
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    All the upcoming events in the month of May”  All the upcoming events in the month of May” - martedì 30 aprile 2013
    by Presidio del Libro
    Fasano - Literary meetings
    Cretan Tales behind the stage  Cretan Tales behind the stage - lunedì 29 aprile 2013
    On Thursday, May the 9th 2013- h. 7.30 p.m.- at Castello Episcopio, Grottaglie
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    “Tales made by clay”- a documentary film (with potters, objects, students, places and people)  “Tales made by clay”- a documentary film (with potters, objects, students, places and people) - lunedì 22 aprile 2013
    From April to May at Episcopio Castle in Grottaglie. By Teatro della Fede
    Grottaglie - Narrative laboratories
    The myths in Apulian literature and art  The myths in Apulian literature and art - venerdì 19 aprile 2013
    On Friday the 19th of April it will be held at “Sala delle Maioliche” at Potteries Museum- Episcopio Castle, h. 18
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    Book launch “Il mare di lato” ed. Il Grillo- by Antonio Loprieno  Book launch “Il mare di lato” ed. Il Grillo- by Antonio Loprieno - lunedì 15 aprile 2013
    Tuesday, April the 23rd – h 19- at Teatro Sociale. Readings and musical performance by Radicanto
    Fasano - Literary meetings
    The twentieth century musical lexis- Wednesday, April the 10th  The twentieth century musical lexis- Wednesday, April the 10th - lunedì 8 aprile 2013
    At “Casa Vestita”- “Quartiere Ceramiche” in Grottaglie
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    A meeting on Gastrode’sign theme - Monday, April the 8th   A meeting on Gastrode’sign theme - Monday, April the 8th - lunedì 8 aprile 2013
    With the students from High School in Arts of Grottaglie
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    "Trans-Adriatic flora and fauna. Ecology and culture of Balkans and of Valle d'Itria"  "Trans-Adriatic flora and fauna. Ecology and culture of Balkans and of Valle d'Itria" - giovedì 4 aprile 2013
    Marialucrezia Colucci Biologist, Vice-president of Valle d'Itria Ecomuseum
    Fasano - Literary meetings
    A tribute to modern Greek literature  A tribute to modern Greek literature - mercoledì 3 aprile 2013
    Friday, May the 10th- h 19.00-at Musica d’Attracco Auditorium
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    The “pupazza” outside the walls - a way of storytelling  The “pupazza” outside the walls - a way of storytelling - mercoledì 3 aprile 2013
    on Thursday April 11th h.10.00 at Teatro Comunale di Carosino
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    “Potteries, Gastronomy, design”  “Potteries, Gastronomy, design” - giovedì 28 marzo 2013
    On Tuesday, April the 2nd 2013 at Episcopio Castle in Grottaglie
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    Scheduled program of literary meetings, workshops and exhibitions  Scheduled program of literary meetings, workshops and exhibitions - giovedì 28 marzo 2013
    Presidi del libro - Grottaglie
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    The tale of Apocryphals- the narrative performance through the words of Apocryphals Gospels  The tale of Apocryphals- the narrative performance through the words of Apocryphals Gospels - giovedì 28 marzo 2013
    On Sunday, April the 7th at Charles the 5th Castle
    Monopoli - Narrative laboratories
    The season of happy hero’ s return  The season of happy hero’ s return - martedì 26 marzo 2013
    On March the 27th 2013- h 21 at Teatro Sociale
    Fasano - Narrative laboratories
    Mad myth - A synoptic comedy of Odyssey  Mad myth - A synoptic comedy of Odyssey - martedì 26 marzo 2013
    On Friday, April the 5th h 21-at Teatro Sociale
    Fasano - Narrative laboratories
    “Tales made by clay”- outside the walls  “Tales made by clay”- outside the walls - venerdì 22 marzo 2013
    by “Presenza Lucana” cultural Association- at Via Veneto, 19 - Taranto
    Grottaglie - Narrative laboratories
    All the literary meetings, workshops and exhibitions scheduled in Grottaglie  All the literary meetings, workshops and exhibitions scheduled in Grottaglie - giovedì 21 marzo 2013
    Presìdi del libro – Grottaglie
    Grottaglie - Literary meetings
    Scheduled program of literary meetings and entertainment  Scheduled program of literary meetings and entertainment - giovedì 21 marzo 2013
    All the events scheduled in Monopoli
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    Exchange of experience between Greek and Italian cookery traditions  Exchange of experience between Greek and Italian cookery traditions - giovedì 21 marzo 2013
    On Tuesday, April the 23rd – h 19- Charles the fifth Castle- Monopoli
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    A tribute to the myth: Prometheus and his modernity  A tribute to the myth: Prometheus and his modernity - giovedì 21 marzo 2013
    Friday, April the 12th - h 19.00- Charles the 5th Castle
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    A tribute to Greek Culture  A tribute to Greek Culture - giovedì 21 marzo 2013
    Friday, April the 5th - h 19.00 at Room of Talking Lands
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    Italy and Greece: pieces of memory, cinema frames  Italy and Greece: pieces of memory, cinema frames - giovedì 21 marzo 2013
    Friday March the 22nd - h 19.30 at Musica d’Attracco Auditorium
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    Preview of the documentary-film “The Enigma of trulli”  Preview of the documentary-film “The Enigma of trulli” - lunedì 18 marzo 2013
    Tuesday, March the 26th – h 18- at Fasano Town Hall, Boardroom
    Fasano - Literary meetings
    TALKING LANDS  TALKING LANDS - lunedì 18 marzo 2013
    Talks between the lands of Apulia and the Greece
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room, Monopoli - Literary meetings, Grottaglie - Events of narration, Grottaglie - Talking Lands Room, Fasano - Talking Lands Room, Ionian Islands - Narrative laboratories, Ionian Islands - Events of narration, Ionian Islands - Talking Lands Room, Parga - Literary meetings, Parga - Talking Lands Room, Western Greece - Talking Lands Room, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese - Narrative laboratories, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese - Literary meetings, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese - Events of narration, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese - Talking Lands Room, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese - Theatrical season
    Workshops on olive- tree culture led by Marianna Di Palma  Workshops on olive- tree culture led by Marianna Di Palma - venerdì 15 marzo 2013
    Monday, April 8th - 15th - Biblioteca ragazzi
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    “OLIVETOLIVE”, an anthology of poems about the oil and olive tree from Homer so far  “OLIVETOLIVE”, an anthology of poems about the oil and olive tree from Homer so far - giovedì 14 marzo 2013
    Wednesday, March the 20th- h 19.00-Room of Talking Lands
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    Sensory experience (sight, hearing, smell, taste) between Italy and Greece  Sensory experience (sight, hearing, smell, taste) between Italy and Greece - lunedì 11 marzo 2013
    On Tuesday the 12th – h 19.00 at Charles the 5th castle
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    "Orpheus's journey from Greece to Italy. Fascination and rewrite of a Myth"  "Orpheus's journey from Greece to Italy. Fascination and rewrite of a Myth" - venerdì 8 marzo 2013
    Wednesday 13 March - Teatro Sociale
    Fasano - Literary meetings
    Workshops on Greek myths by Marianna Di Palma  Workshops on Greek myths by Marianna Di Palma - mercoledì 6 marzo 2013
    Monday, March 11st - 18th - Biblioteca ragazzi
    Monopoli - Talking Lands Room
    Researches led by urban workshops: “Tales made by clay”  Researches led by urban workshops: “Tales made by clay” - martedì 5 marzo 2013
    On Sunday, March the 24th - h 19 at Castello Episcopio. On Tuesday March the 26th h 10 (for schools only) at Castello Episcopio; h 19 at Castello Episcopio
    Grottaglie - Narrative laboratories
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