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    “All the companions of Ulysses”  “All the companions of Ulysses” - martedì 23 luglio 2013
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Monopoli - Talking Lands Room

    “All the companions of Ulysses”
    The sharing of sounds and readings related to the theme of the journey on the 23rd and the 30th of  July
    Thanks to an anthology of readings on the theme of the journey as dialogue and exchange between two cultures, the Italian and the Greek one, in order to offer an emotional and cultural experience through the literatures and the topics of the two countries. This is the aim of the most dynamic cultural association “Presidio del Libro- Donne per la Città” of Monopoli with this additional  cultural event that will be carried out two times. The title of the event is “All the companions of Ulysses”. In a nutshell, it consists of sounds and readings about the theme of the journey.
    The first event will be at the Church “Madonna del Rosario” of  Monopoli, placed within the homonymous  country-side district, at 9 p.m., on Tuesday the 23rd of July. The second event (the urban replica) will be on Tuesday the 30th of July, at 9 p.m. at Charles the 5th Castle of Monopoli.
    The original idea is that reading and literature are fundamental means of comparison and integration among people and that the journey of mind could constitute a reflection and an answer to the crisis. The young actor, Pietro Caramia,  is the artistic director of this project. Musical interludes by Mag Mell. Other musical  pieces  will be played by the violinist Samuela Mizzi. Different will be the readings that will be shared on the theme of the journey.




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