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    The myths in Apulian literature and art  The myths in Apulian literature and art - venerdì 19 aprile 2013
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Grottaglie - Literary meetings

    The myths in Apulian literature and art

    Within INTERREG Greece-Italy Programme, the project “Talking Lands” carries on in Grottaglie thanks to another interesting literary meeting scheduled according to the program. On Friday the 19th of April it will be held at “Sala delle Maioliche” at Potteries Museum- Episcopio Castle, h. 18. Free entrance.
    MYTH is certainly the deeper cultural root among people; common roots among people who over millennia, between the two Mediterranean sides, are tied together by traffic trade, exchanges, hostility and friendship, solidarity and mutual violence, marriages, mix of interests and knowledge.
    The mythological affinity between Apulia and Greece is particularly steady, deep and strong, despite the fact it was continuously tested by the gap of millennia to the present days. The book written by the professor De Martino in collaboration with many other talented authors, is a wide- ranging analysis on elements that underline the deep influences on Apulian culture: from painting, pottery and sculpture to literature, languages, theatre and cinema as well! This is an effective landmark of the culture of our regional community! If we can say so. Also if it is a fulfilling  “monument” dedicated to public to that purpose. This wide- ranging work is, however, a collection and a logically coordinated sequence of texts and critical essays; a research that is not only a treasure trove of knowledge and information, but it also allows to start other researches aimed to stimulate interests and reading as well. There are three main chapters of the book: the first is about the knowledge of the “MYTHS”, “STORIES” and “SOFIE” (specific fields such as: music, philosophy, medicine), “MEMORIES” (of journeys and symbolic places as architectural milestones); the second part is a research about literary genres: epic, lyric poetry, theatre, fiction. The third part is dedicated to the Arts: cinema, television, advertisement, music and the “art of the elegance”. This book constitutes also a synthesis of a “literary and artistic mosaic”, that the Laboratory on Mythology at University of Foggia tries to rebuild and preserve in the same place in order to be at the same time easy to be usable”. Ms. Daniela De Vincentis, Director of Potteries Museum of Grottaglie will introduce the meeting with the author of the book Francesco De Martino, professor in Greek Language and Literature at University of Foggia. The program of the event that is particularly rich will carry on about the theme: “The recovery of beauty- the places of the pottery” for which Mr. Antonio Vestita, engineer and potter and Mr. Giovanni Colonna, Vice- Consul of Italian Touring Club will participate as well. Ms. Maria Pia Ettorre, Councillor for Culture at the Municipality of Grottaglie is going to honour the potter Domenico Pinto with the first Award of the XXXIIIrd Exhibition on Nativity scenes made by pottery. Award will be constituted by the printing of an excellent and handy- format catalogue about his pottery works of art dedicated to the MYTH: Frederick the II of Swabia and the homeric Ulysses.





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