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    Guided- tours at 4 basilian crypts  Guided- tours at 4 basilian crypts - venerdì 3 maggio 2013
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Monopoli - Talking Lands Room


    Guided- tours at 4 basilian crypts
    Fasano and Monopoli, on Sunday, May the 12th

    Spirito Santo and San Procopio within the territory of Monopoli and San Lorenzo and Lama d’Antico in the territory of Fasano led by the art historian Maria De Mola.

    Fasano and Monopoli, on Sunday, May the 12th
    • h 9-13 (San Procopio and San Lorenzo can be reached on a bus available thanks to the organization);
    • h 16 (Spirito Santo can be reached on your own)




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