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    Fasano - Theatrical season

      “The Sleeping workshop”, six plays between Greece and Italy  “The Sleeping workshop”, six plays between Greece and Italy - venerdì 12 luglio 2013
      Grottaglie (on 29th July), Monopoli (on 30th July) and Fasano (on 31st July)
      Monopoli - Theatrical season, Grottaglie - Theatrical season, Fasano - Theatrical season
      “Outis Suite”, a multimedia- synopsis from the Odyssey  “Outis Suite”, a multimedia- synopsis from the Odyssey - domenica 23 giugno 2013
      Three shows: Grottaglie ( on the 28th June), Fasano (on the 29th June) and Monopoli (on the 30th June)
      Monopoli - Theatrical season, Grottaglie - Theatrical season, Fasano - Events of narration, Fasano - Theatrical season, Western Greece - Events of narration
      “Life, death and miracles of Saint Nicholas the greatest”  “Life, death and miracles of Saint Nicholas the greatest” - martedì 21 maggio 2013
      On Saturday May 25th (Monopoli) and on Sunday May 26th (Fasano)
      Monopoli - Events of narration, Monopoli - Theatrical season, Fasano - Theatrical season, Parga - Events of narration



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