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    Fasano - Literary meetings

      All the upcoming events in the month of May”  All the upcoming events in the month of May” - martedì 30 aprile 2013
      by Presidio del Libro
      Fasano - Literary meetings
      Book launch “Il mare di lato” ed. Il Grillo- by Antonio Loprieno  Book launch “Il mare di lato” ed. Il Grillo- by Antonio Loprieno - lunedì 15 aprile 2013
      Tuesday, April the 23rd – h 19- at Teatro Sociale. Readings and musical performance by Radicanto
      Fasano - Literary meetings
      "Trans-Adriatic flora and fauna. Ecology and culture of Balkans and of Valle d'Itria"  "Trans-Adriatic flora and fauna. Ecology and culture of Balkans and of Valle d'Itria" - giovedì 4 aprile 2013
      Marialucrezia Colucci Biologist, Vice-president of Valle d'Itria Ecomuseum
      Fasano - Literary meetings
      Preview of the documentary-film “The Enigma of trulli”  Preview of the documentary-film “The Enigma of trulli” - lunedì 18 marzo 2013
      Tuesday, March the 26th – h 18- at Fasano Town Hall, Boardroom
      Fasano - Literary meetings
      "Orpheus's journey from Greece to Italy. Fascination and rewrite of a Myth"  "Orpheus's journey from Greece to Italy. Fascination and rewrite of a Myth" - venerdì 8 marzo 2013
      Wednesday 13 March - Teatro Sociale
      Fasano - Literary meetings
      Reading Workshops - "The origin of fairy tails in the Mediterranean area of Apulia and Greece"  Reading Workshops - "The origin of fairy tails in the Mediterranean area of Apulia and Greece" - giovedì 28 febbraio 2013
      By Giuseppe Palasciano - Saturday, March 2nd, 2013
      Fasano - Literary meetings
      Reading workshops on: “Il tesoro di Itria”(the treasure of Itria) by Vito De Benedetto and Liliana Carone  Reading workshops on: “Il tesoro di Itria”(the treasure of Itria) by Vito De Benedetto and Liliana Carone - mercoledì 13 febbraio 2013
      Saturday, February the 16th – h 9.00-12.30 - “Galileo Galilei” Primary and secondary School
      Fasano - Literary meetings
      A meeting on:” The art of Gods. Architecture and classical pictures within the area of Fasano”  A meeting on:” The art of Gods. Architecture and classical pictures within the area of Fasano” - mercoledì 6 febbraio 2013
      Wednesday, February the 6th – h 18- at Fasano Town Hall, Boardroom
      Fasano - Literary meetings



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