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    A meeting on Gastrode’sign theme - Monday, April the 8th   A meeting on Gastrode’sign theme - Monday, April the 8th - lunedì 8 aprile 2013
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Grottaglie - Literary meetings

    Within the context of INTERREG Greece- Italy Programme- Talking Lands projectinwhichthe Municipality of Fasano, Grottaglie and Monopoli are partners and in collaboration with “Presidi del Libro” (cultural associations for the promotion of reading) of each municipality, on  last April the 3rd in Grottaglie, a meeting has been held with the students of the 3rd year from the courses “A- design “, “B- graphics” and “C – painting” of “V. Calò” High School in Arts in Grottaglie, with their teachers Maria Teresa Greco and Franco Quaranta in collaboration with the creative group USOPPOSTO, a graphics team (Alessandro Santoro, Dario Miale e Pierfrancesco Annicchiarico) who work for “ the composition of a visual language inspired by local culture”. Highlights of the meeting were put on the book "La Puglia in un piatto. Gastrode'sign" (“Apulia in a dish. Gastro’design”) by USOPPOSTO, ed. Schena, 2011 that in March 2012, in Paris, at Folies Bergère Theatre won the second place of “Gourmand International Cookbook Awards” ranking; prizes that are awarded by a committee made up of well-known gastronomes and experts of this editorial field. Before the meeting,  a reading workshop about this book that Presidio del Libro provided, has been carried out by the two teachers . La Puglia in un piatto (“Apulia in a dish”) is a 176 pages- book that gathers 60 recipes that belong to Apulia gastronomic tradition with their graphic interpretations depicted on pottery plates; it is divided into 7 chapters that describe the usual menu of Apulian eating: pasta, meat, fish, vegetables, country cooking, baked products, desserts. This design project suggests a side-by side interpretation: the close relation that links the picture illustrated and the photo of the recipe, so that it constitutes a contextual visual frame. The texts of the recipes are supported by graphic elements from the main pictures that are a sort of real brands to be matched with the gastronomic texts reported. A glossary with dialect words is placed at the end of the book aimed not only to describe the recipes but also to know something more about Apulian culture thanks to anecdotes and tales. Additionally, dedicated to people keen on wine and food, a fully-detailed section is related to the matches of each dish with the most suitable Apulian wines. Gastrode’sign is a mix of fields: gastronomy and design as well, that USOPPOSTO investigated in order to interpret the idea of food as a wider sensory experience capable of going beyond the simple recipe. However, design is also a specific reference to the tool used for the pictures: the pottery dishes as well. USOPPOSTO group re-elaborate Apulian pottery tradition, especially the peculiar pottery of Grottaglie and they produce a sort of stylistic upgrading applied to contents and decorations. A pressing POP language, intentionally modified by multimedia influences with steady references to the web field which in many cases draw on textual and visual materials. Teachers ‘  work related to the reading groups was particularly productive. Within the meeting after a detailed introduction by Mr.Quaranta, many students were actively involved with comments, questions and proposals, so that a good relationship was immediately built with the young USOPPOSTO team. According to Alessandro Santoro: “the best answer to the lavished effort within the editorial adventure of USOPPOSTO team work is within this most suitable environment in front of an involved and attentive audience made up of students of High school in Arts. The “other” interpretation of the book related to a different way of communication of one field of Apulian culture was fully perceived by the student involved. This is to testify that the language used in a “contemporary” way is able to involve also those target groups that are apparently distant from the debated topics. Finally, students were encouraged to use heritage and its peculiarities expressed in order to create new opportunities of growth within an area that needs of culture in order to turn it into an incentive for work and development and to turn the area itself into a key- factor for social and economic structures of our land”.   




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