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    Talking Lands

    Literary meetings - MONOPOLILiterary meetings - MONOPOLI
    Talks between the lands of Apulia and the Greece
    Pubblicato il: 18/03/2013

    Literary meetings - FASANO

    Reading Workshops - "The origin of fairy tails in the Mediterranean area of Apulia and Greece" Reading Workshops - "The origin of fairy tails in the Mediterranean area of Apulia and Greece"
    By Giuseppe Palasciano - Saturday, March 2nd, 2013
    Pubblicato il: 28/02/2013
    Reading workshops on: “Il tesoro di Itria”(the treasure of Itria) by Vito De Benedetto and Liliana Carone Reading workshops on: “Il tesoro di Itria”(the treasure of Itria) by Vito De Benedetto and Liliana Carone
    Saturday, February the 16th – h 9.00-12.30 - “Galileo Galilei” Primary and secondary School
    Pubblicato il: 13/02/2013
    A meeting on:” The art of Gods. Architecture and classical pictures within the area of Fasano” A meeting on:” The art of Gods. Architecture and classical pictures within the area of Fasano”
    Wednesday, February the 6th – h 18- at Fasano Town Hall, Boardroom
    Pubblicato il: 06/02/2013

    Pagina 2 di 2Primo   Precedente   1  [2]  Successivo   Ultimo   
    Literary meetings - GROTTAGLIE

    Cretan Tales behind the stage Cretan Tales behind the stage
    On Thursday, May the 9th 2013- h. 7.30 p.m.- at Castello Episcopio, Grottaglie
    Pubblicato il: 29/04/2013
    The myths in Apulian literature and art The myths in Apulian literature and art
    On Friday the 19th of April it will be held at “Sala delle Maioliche” at Potteries Museum- Episcopio Castle, h. 18
    Pubblicato il: 19/04/2013
    The twentieth century musical lexis- Wednesday, April the 10th The twentieth century musical lexis- Wednesday, April the 10th
    At “Casa Vestita”- “Quartiere Ceramiche” in Grottaglie
    Pubblicato il: 08/04/2013
    A meeting on Gastrode’sign theme - Monday, April the 8th A meeting on Gastrode’sign theme - Monday, April the 8th
    With the students from High School in Arts of Grottaglie
    Pubblicato il: 08/04/2013
    The “pupazza” outside the walls - a way of storytelling The “pupazza” outside the walls - a way of storytelling
    on Thursday April 11th h.10.00 at Teatro Comunale di Carosino
    Pubblicato il: 03/04/2013

    Pagina 1 di 2Primo   Precedente   [1]  2  Successivo   Ultimo   
    Literary meetings - IONIAN ISLANDS

    Bombing of civilians Bombing of civilians
    70 years since the nazi bombs on the town of Corfù- 13th September 1943- 13th September 2013
    Pubblicato il: 10/09/2013

    Literary meetings - PARGA

    Talks between the lands of Apulia and the Greece
    Pubblicato il: 18/03/2013

    Literary meetings - WESTERN GREECE

    Literary meetings - TEATRO PUBBLICO PUGLIESE

    Talks between the lands of Apulia and the Greece
    Pubblicato il: 18/03/2013




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