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    Talking Lands

    Partners - Teatro Pubblico PugliesePartners - Teatro Pubblico Pugliese


    Teatro Pubblico Pugliese is a Public Body, a Consortium for the promotion and the spread of the live performing arts in Apulia Region.

    It is one of the biggest Italian theatre circuits, with 54 partners such as Municipalities, Provincial Administrations and Apulia Region.

    It organizes prose theatre seasons, youth theatre and dance events with the support of Ministry for Arts and Culture which entrusted the TPP with the specific mission of promotion and creation of an audience.


    TPP is responsible to increase the number of the audience, and most of all it tries to attract young people through specific activities such as seminars, laboratories and workshops directed by teachers with a specific experience in the theatre sector.

    The activity of the TPP was highlighted by the awarded of important national prizes.

    In 2008 it received the Biglietto d'oro del Teatro Agis for the distribution section, for the largest number of tickets sold in Italy, and the award for Best Press Agent of the Year 2008 (Federazione nazionale della Stampa FNSI - National Federation of Press - Ordine nazionale dei Giornalisti - National Order of Journalists) for the culture and the live performances field.

    In June 2010, the President Grassi was awarded with the Premio della critica ANCT (Associazione nazionale dei critici teatrali – National Association of Drama Critics). The Eolo Awards 2011 arrived in Puglia with the endowment of Teatri Abitati, for the enhancement and the spread of youth drama in Italy and three performances held by the theatre residences.

    Also, Anticorpi XL, the National Network for the promotion of the Young Italian Art Dance of which TPP is a member founder, has won the award Danza&Danza 2010, as a concrete and significant example of promotion of new generations of Italian choreographers.


    Besides aiming at promoting and spreading the culture of the theatre in order to reach more and more people for the audience, now the TPP has another important objective. In fact, the TPP is working together with Apulia Region in order to implement the strategies for the promotion of the live performing arts.
    Apulia Region entrusted the carrying out of several ERDF projects to the TPP as the theatre is considered as an important sector of production in Apulia Region both for the cultural impact and also for the important economic impact on the territory.
    Projects in progress are (2010 – 2012): “Teatri Abitati”, with 12 theatrical companies that have been lodged in as many empty or useless spaces, “Puglia Sounds” - the music circuit - and “Rete della Danza Contemporanea”, two important interventions in the promotion, organization and spread of these two performing arts; and then “Site Specific”, events occurring in places of significant cultural and landscape interest; and so various ways of intervening in order to foster the internationalization of the chain of production of live performing arts.


    During the last years, the TPP has increased also its participation in EU projects thanks to a series of approved trans-border projects, such as:
    PIC Interreg III A Greece- Italy 2000 – 2006:
    "La Bottega delle Voci – Centro di Produzione Teatrale" as Lead Partner;
    "La Bottega delle Voci – L’Opera dei Giovani”;
    “Attraverso lo spettacoli – Archivio Ipermediale Italo-Greco in Rete”;
    “La Scena dei Ragazzi”;
    “Terre parlanti: colloqui tra le terre di Puglia e Grecia”;

    PIC Interreg III A Albania - Italy 2000 – 2006:
    “IN.VENT.AR.C.A.Inter-Venti di Arte e Cultura dall’Albania”;
    P.I.C. Equal 2: “Vivo di Spettacolo” as Lead Partner.

    Culture2000 :

    “Ship wrecks from burning lands – little contemporary Aeneid” with the West Indian Company
    “On the tracks of Dionysius – Mediterranean seaports” with Astragali and Eufonia Companies.
    Within the framework of the EC cooperation programmes, various projects are in progress, such as: “La Bottega delle Voci-Centro di Produzione Teatrale II” and “TALKING LANDS - talks between the lands of Apulia and Greece” (for the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece-Italy 2007-2013”) and Archeo.S. - System of the Archaeological Sites of the Adriatic Sea funded under the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme.
    TPP is also an active partner in the Euromedinculture(s) Network, a non-profit association under the French law, for Euro-Mediterranean cultural cooperation, composed of NGO’s, local authorities, Universities and Research Centres participating from 18 different Countries in Europe and in the Mediterranean.
    Lino Manosperta – Project Manager
    Marica Riccardi – Financial Manager
    Anna Stasi – Project Manager Assistant
    Maria Fornarelli - Activity steward and payment
    Rosangela Coroneo – Project Secretary



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