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    Narrative Theatre workshops  Narrative Theatre workshops - giovedì 6 dicembre 2012
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Grottaglie - Narrative laboratories

    Narrative Theatre workshops
    Held by Teatro della Fede

    GROTTAGLIE - CasaTeatro
    No fees
    For further information and enrollments:


    The cultural association Teatro della Fede within the project “Talking Lands”(Terre parlanti), promoted by the Municipality of  Monopoli and by six partners between Apulia and Greece, co-funded by the UE Cooperation Programme Interreg Grecia-Italia 2007-2013, which goal is the implementation in the town of Grottaglie of a narrative stage workshop aimed to the knowledge and dissemination of tales related to the territory of Taranto, particularly the tales hidden within potters’ handiworks with references to the tales on the pottery art in Greece as well.

    This experience is addressed to people keen on theatre and literature and interested in the practice and communication techniques thanks to the storytelling in front of an audience.

    Storytelling is a way of expression, so fascinating that allows to gain a deeper awareness about the imaginative dimension of a text and to improve, as well, thanks to an appropriate use of voice and body, suitable interpretative skills in order to establish a more direct and engaging relation with the spectator. The tale becomes not only a mean aimed to disseminate the works of many great authors or to recall past events but it also constitutes the most effective way in order to express and communicate to the others our thoughts, our feelings. Learning to tell means the skill to represent the history of man.

    Alfredo Traversa - actor and director who attended the historic “Silvio D’Amico” Academy of Dramatic Arts- will recover many events from our traditions. The setting of the tales will be the symbolic place of the pottery workshops: a “Sleeping Workshop” (Bottega Dormiente) will be turned into a magic place that will be the theme of the narrative performance that is going to be played in the next spring. It will constitute the final step of Talking Lands project.

    Theatrical workshops start a course which last goal is constituted by the spread of the narrative theatre with the explanation of its reasons, its dynamics of development, its rules, and the different ways of approach aimed to implement it. This course will run until the end of February 2013; 30 lessons on the whole. Meetings will take place at Casa Teatro in Grottaglie mainly, but also within the workshops of potters and rooms around the town, according to a detailed timetable. At the end of the course, participants will play a narrative performance in front of the audience in order to show the training activities that were carried out.
    No fees and no particular assets are required. An interest in reading is appreciated only.

    For enrollments, send the application with your personal data to TEATRO della FEDE Cultural association:
    Applications will be accepted until nr. 25  of participants established.




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